Wednesday, February 10, 2010

*Dreams* Lovin the Humpin

Hey there Dreamers today's hump day so you know what that means I have a special deal for all of you.

This collar is exclusive to this set and will never be out again so make sure you grab it I also threw in the open heart lip rings set. Its available only at *Dreams* Main store.
*Dreams* Open Heart Set {Hump Day Exclusive}

For the rest of this weeks vendors check out our flickr group and we have an in world group now so you can join and get your list first.

Today I leave you with this thought, Valentine's Day isn't only about being with a lover but it's about celebrating all the love in your life lovers, friends, family and even pets so even if you aren't with someone special that by no means means your not loved as a matter of fact I happen to love all of you

May all your dreams come true,
Sanura Snowpaw of *Dreams*